About me

I'm a University Student Studying Computer Science

Upon my arrival in the United States at the age of 11, I harbored ambitious dreams that have since shaped my trajectory. Fueled by a resolute commitment to my aspirations, I echo Nikola Tesla's sentiment: "Let the future tell the truth, and evaluate each one according to his work and accomplishments. The present is theirs; the future, for which I have really worked, is mine." My goals are twofold — achieving a Ph.D. and establishing a research-based company. The rationale behind envisioning a startup post-Ph.D. lies in the resource-intensive nature and prolonged timelines required for the realization of my ideas. This entrepreneurial endeavor is poised to attract dedicated researchers and inventors, expediting the fulfillment of ambitious objectives. Identifying as both an Inventor and a Researcher, my passion extends to the dual pursuits of discovering new facets of the universe and constructing innovative inventions.


Having successfully completed my Master's degree and now embarking on the journey towards a PhD, my commitment to realizing ambitious goals remains steadfast. Echoing the sentiments of Nikola Tesla, I believe in letting the future bear witness to the truth and evaluating individuals based on their work and accomplishments. As I navigate this academic pursuit, acquiring a PhD stands as a significant milestone within the broader tapestry of my ambitions. Concurrently, the vision includes the establishment of a research-based company, recognizing that the resource-intensive and time-demanding nature of my ideas necessitates an entrepreneurial approach. The intent is to create an environment that attracts dedicated researchers and inventors, fostering a collaborative atmosphere conducive to achieving ambitious goals.

In defining my role as both an Inventor and a Researcher, my passion thrives in the intricate balance between discovery and creation. While I find joy in uncovering new dimensions of the universe, I derive equal satisfaction from the process of innovating and building. My primary areas of focus encompass Robotics, Science, and Technologies. Engaged daily with these domains, I am actively immersed in the pursuit of publishing a paper on robotics and AI. Concurrently, I am driving the development of novel techniques for robotics arms and humanoid robotics, laying the groundwork for advancements that will unfold during my upcoming doctoral program. This multifaceted engagement underscores my dedication to contributing meaningfully to the realms of academia, research, and technological innovation.