My Portfolio

For a deeper dive into our portfolio, detailed case studies, and real-world examples, we encourage you to visit our company website. There, you'll find comprehensive information about our expertise, the industries we've impacted, and the innovative solutions we've crafted. Navigate through the pages to discover how our tailored algorithms and applications have redefined possibilities in various domains. Join us on this journey of technological exploration and witness firsthand the impact of our work. Visit our website today and experience the forefront of innovation.

Incorporated advanced techniques in machine learning, including Deep Neural Networks, Neural Networks, Transfer Learning, Supervised, and Unsupervised Learning, to conduct a comprehensive evaluation for optimal performance in Image Classification and Object Recognition. Demonstrated proficiency in utilizing machine learning across diverse datasets, even generating datasets from raw, unprocessed files. Implemented Deep Neural Network, Neural Network, and Machine Learning to determine which is better for Image Classification & Object Recognition.

In Operating Systems, we utilized machine learning algorithms to optimize resource allocation, enhancing overall system efficiency. In Mechanical Design, Neural Networks were employed to analyze complex structures, optimizing designs for enhanced performance.

Implemented a variety of algorithms such as Q-Learning, Double Q-Learning, Monte Carlo, Temporal Difference, Deep Q-Learning, and Actor-Critic with Eligibility Traces. Applied these algorithms to games and GridWorld, demonstrating adaptability in both continuous and discrete environments. Leveraged Computer Vision and Image Processing to detect and navigate to specific objects, employing diverse algorithms to navigate complex environments. Applied this knowledge in various fields, including API development, Deep Learning, Deep Reinforcement Learning, and SDK integration.

In Electrical Design, we implemented Reinforcement Learning algorithms for circuit optimization, ensuring efficient power consumption. For DevOps and DevSpecOps, our algorithms contributed to automated testing and deployment, streamlining software development processes.

In Cyber Security, our algorithms analyze network traffic patterns, identifying potential threats in real-time. For Malware Analysis, our tools utilize Machine Learning to detect and neutralize evolving threats, ensuring robust cybersecurity.

Designed and developed websites using Full Stack or MEAN Stack technologies, featuring sections for profiles, portfolios, services, and blogs with dedicated servers. Applied algorithms for the analysis of various disease symptoms, including Brain Tumor, Breast Cancer, Diabetes, and more. Emphasized the collection of valuable information for accurate prediction of current or future diseases, striving to minimize bias. These applications extend to fields such as HealthCare, Sensor technology, and Database management, with further information available on our company website.

In Sensor applications, our algorithms enhance data accuracy, improving the overall functionality of sensors in various devices. For Drones, Machine Learning algorithms contribute to intelligent flight control and obstacle avoidance, ensuring safe and efficient operations.

Implemented DMP learning algorithm with and without a blackbox to follow a particular path that is displayed and repeat that action in any state of the world. Implemented Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithm that discovers the best optimal solution to do a task by trial-and-error and giving feedback. Utilized Inverse Reinforcement Learning (IRL) algorithms to find the best reward associated with the demonstration. These techniques are widely applicable across Control Systems, DevOps, Cyber Security, and more. For specific use cases, please visit our website.

In Navigation systems, our algorithms use Reinforcement Learning for optimal route planning, adapting to dynamic environments. For Manipulation tasks, such as in Robotics, our algorithms learn efficient grasping and manipulation strategies through trial-and-error.

Utilized Computer Vision and Image Processing to detect and navigate to a certain object, utilizing different algorithms to navigate through the world. These applications extend to fields such as Malware Analysis, Network management, and AR/VR development, among others. For detailed case studies and examples, we invite you to explore our company website, where you can find comprehensive information on our work in Machine Learning, Robotics, Website Design, and Data Analysis.

In AR/VR development, our Computer Vision algorithms enable precise object recognition, creating immersive and interactive experiences. For Thermal and Fluid systems, our algorithms optimize heating and cooling processes, ensuring energy efficiency. Explore our website for in-depth insights into these applications and how they can be tailored to your specific needs."